"The 2030 Agenda equipped us with the tools we need to build the world we want. Let’s harness the successes and values of this Agenda to craft a sustainable future for current and future generations."
(from the International Institute for Sustainable Development)
Eleonora is a sustainable development knowledge enthusiast, and her work is cross-cutting, from testing innovative collaboration formats to convening SDG stakeholders to uncover new paths to action for long-term sustainable development. She is also focal point for the constructive hope initiative aimed at shedding light on the role of hope and, more broadly, emotions in crafting alternative scenarios towards long-term sustainability. She is particularly interested in multilateral and governance processes and in unpacking and sharing SDG knowledge, informing global stakeholders and fostering engagement. She strongly believes that interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration is key to unlocking novel solutions to address challenges.
Here is a list of 3 questions she seeks to unpack within the Beyond Lab: